Apologists of Java and C++ can argue for hours proving each other that their programming language is the best one. Java people will tell that their »
Apologists of Java and C++ can argue for hours proving each other that their programming language is the best one. Java people will tell that their »
Penney’s game is a simple game typically played by two players. One version of the game calls for each player to choose a unique three-coin »
You are given an unweighted, undirected tree. Write a program to output the length of the longest path (from one node to another) in that tree »
Pappu was doing the work of his math class about three days but he is tired of make operations a lot and he should deliver his »
You are given two strings, A and B. Answer, what is the smallest number of operations you need to transform A to B? Operations are: Delete »
In this problem you will be given a half-circle. The half-circle’s radius is r. You can take any point A on the half-circle and draw »
While browsing aimlessly, Peter stumbled upon an old riddle he used to solve on his calculator when he was still young. It was the kind of »
After duelling in quake (a multiplayer game), Airborne and Pagfloyd decide do test themselves out in another game called Hubulullu. The rules of the game are »
Input There's no input. Output Output some form of these numbers: 137, 1315, 73, 136, 255, 1384, 16385, one per line in the listed order. Example »
A beehive is an enclosed structure in which some honey bee species live and raise their young. In this problem we consider a two-dimensional sketch of »